Wednesday, January 17, 2007

potential presidential candidates

Nearly a dozen potential candidates have declared that they are either running or looking to run in the 2008 presidential campaign / election - and its only January 2007 right now.

I support Democrat John Edwards, because of his pro-labor stance, and Republican John McCain - both, because I think they are moderate. Taken for granted, I don't expect them both to make in to the final election in November. But, in all honesty, I didn't expect the presidential campaign to start as early as in has.

Its disturbing that they have both taken to espousing their party's lines on the Iraq War. Edwards is using the Liberal "withdraw from Iraq now" while McCain is spouting the Bushian "build up the troops". In reality, I think that they are both just moderates. Edwards would want to withdraw troops - but not too quickly. On the other hand I think that McCain would want to build up a "surge" and then withdraw.

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